Easy and flexible service for you and your pet

Our pet insurance is designed to be there when you need us. Regardless of what has happened to your dog or cat, we will help you in the best possible way. Here you'll find out how it is done.

Digital veterinary calls with FirstVet

If you are unsure whether you need to go to a veterinary clinic, you can book a video call with FirstVet. Most of the time, the vet can make a diagnosis for your animal digitally. You book it through the Hedvig app or directly in FirstVet's app. Our pet insurance includes an unlimited number of vet calls.

Book in Hedvig app

Download the FirstVet app today and create a profile. Now you are ready if something would happen to your pet. Hedvig's pet insurance is directly synced with FirstVet's app, so it's easy to get started.

Download the FirstVet app

Your fixed deductible for a visit to a veterinary clinic will be SEK 1 000 lower if you receive a referral from FirstVet (given that you haven’t chosen a fixed deductible of SEK 0).

In addition to saving time and money, an initial care call with FirstVet can facilitate assessment of your animal's symptoms and be referred to the right care at the clinic.

Important! If your dog or cat is seriously injured or ill, you must go to a veterinary clinic immediately.

Together with FirstVet, we offer an annual health check-up of your dog or cat. The service is included in all our pet insurances. During the health check-up, the veterinarian reviews the pet's health in a video call and provides valuable advice for you as a pet owner.

If you have our Premium insurance, behavioral counseling is also included once per year. Does the dog bark all the time or won't stop peeing inside? Behavioral counseling can help you solve problems or prevent them from occurring.

Book in the Hedvig app

Report a claim 24/7

If you have had veterinary costs for your dog or cat, you need to report a claim to us. This is done directly in the Hedvig app, around the clock.

We are available to help you with your claims settlement on weekdays between 8 am and 5 pm. For other questions, you can get help from our service team until 8 pm every day.

Report a claim in the app

In order for us to help you faster, it’s great if you include the following information in your claim:

  • Insurance number (not needed in the app)

  • Invoices, receipts or photos

  • Your vet visits

  • Any prescriptions

You can find your insurance number on the insurance card in the Hedvig app. You may need it when you request direct settlement from a physical veterinary clinic. At FirstVet, they already know that you are insured with Hedvig.

If you don’t have access to the Hedvig app, you can file a claim by sending us an email. Describe what has happened as clearly as possible and include information about your veterinary costs.

Go to a veterinary clinic if your animal becomes acutely ill or is seriously injured. Depending on what has happened, it may help to call FirstVet and ask them to do a digital assessment before you arrive at the clinic.

It’s always good to be prepared:

  • Check which veterinary clinics in the local area offer emergency appointments in the evenings and weekends.

  • Make sure you have all the information available, e.g. insurance number and proof of insurance so that the veterinary clinic can help you as fast as possible.

  • You will find everything about your pet insurance in the Hedvig app.

We are always a click away in the Hedvig app. As a member, you get the fastest help there. Send us a message and get answers to questions about your protection, payments or ongoing claims. We are available for claims settlement on weekdays between 8 am and 5 pm and for other questions until 8 pm every day.

If you do not have access to the app, you can email us or call 010-45 99 200 (weekdays 9am–11am and 1pm–4pm). Read our frequently asked questions further down the page.

Direct settlement at the vet clinic

We offer direct settlement when you visit a veterinary clinic. This means that Hedvig and the veterinary clinic settles the costs directly, so that you can focus on your dog or cat and avoid paying out of your own pocket.

You can ask for direct settlement at most veterinary clinics, if the visit takes place on a weekday between 8 am and 5 pm.

Some clinics charge an administrative fee, usually SEK 100–200 for direct settlement. You pay your deductible, administrative fees and any costs not covered by your insurance before you leave the clinic.

Veterinary clinics can use direct settlement with Hedvig on weekdays between 8 am and 5 pm. Outside of these hours, normal claims reporting applies and the Hedvig member pays the cost on the spot.

Call us on 010-45 99 270, or send an email to direktreglering@hedvig.com and we will call you back as soon as we can.

Billing address:

Hedvig AB (reg. no. 559093-0334)
VAT number: SE559093033401
Tulegatan 2A
113 58 Stockholm

Frequently asked questions

The best way to start is usually via a digital veterinary call with FirstVet. Book a video call in the Hedvig app, every day between 6 am and 2 am, no matter where you are. During the video call, the veterinarian makes an assessment of your dog or cat, and can refer your animal to a clinic or animal hospital.

At most veterinary clinics, you can ask for so-called direct settlement of the cost. This means that Hedvig gets in touch with the vet clinic and pays the costs covered by your insurance, so that you don't have to pay out of your own pocket. You only pay your deductible and costs that the insurance does not cover. Some clinics may charge a small fee to offer direct settlement.

Direct settlement is possible if the visit takes place on a weekday between 8 am to 5 pm, otherwise you pay for your visit directly on site or via invoice and report a claim to Hedvig afterwards. This is done in the Hedvig app, around the clock.

IMPORTANT! If your dog or cat is seriously injured or ill, you must go to a veterinary clinic immediately.

You report a claim directly in the Hedvig app, around the clock. You can choose to record a voice message describing what has happened. Take photos of receipts from your veterinary visits, as well as any prescriptions, and add them to your report. We handle your case as soon as we can and respond to you in the app if we need more information.

You do not need to report a claim in the app:

  • If you have only used FirstVet for a digital veterinary call, without any other costs. Video calls with FirstVet are included in our pet insurance.

  • If there has been direct settlement between Hedvig at the veterinary clinic you visit. If this happens, Hedvig manages the contact with the clinic and posts a claim for you.

  • If you do not have access to the app, you can file a claim via email. Describe what happened and include as much information as possible.

This means that you can ask your vet to report the injury directly to us and that you don’t have to pay out of your own pocket for the visit. This is handled between Hedvig and the veterinary clinic if the visit takes place on a weekday between 8 am and 5 pm. You only pay your deductible, as well as any costs not covered by your insurance, before you leave the clinic. Some clinics may charge a small fee to offer direct settlement.

Hedvig offers three different levels of cat- and dog insurance, where you can choose a fixed deductible of SEK 0, SEK 2 500 or SEK 3 500. In addition to the fixed deductible, you have a variable deductible of 15–25% of the veterinary cost. You only pay the fixed deductible once per insurance year (12 months), regardless of the number of visits to the vet.

Our deductibles

  • Basic: SEK 0 or SEK 3 500 fixed + 25% variable

  • Standard: SEK 0 or SEK 2 500 fixed + 25% variable

  • Premium: SEK 0 or SEK 2 500 fixed + 15% variable

Your fixed deductible will be reduced with SEK 1 000 from what is shown above if you first talk to a veterinarian at FirstVet and are referred to a clinic. Unlimited calls to FirstVet are always included in our pet insurances.

The fixed deductible is a fixed amount that you pay only once per insurance year, i.e. regardless of the number of visits to the vet per 12 month period. The variable deductible is a percentage of the care cost that you pay yourself, for each time something happens. We pay the rest. Calculating your deductible can be a bit tricky, so we've made some examples.

1) Example of deductibles for the first visit during an insurance year:

Let's say your vet visit costs SEK 10 000. Your fixed deductible is SEK 1 500 and the variable 15%.

  • You pay: SEK 2 775 (fixed + variable deductible)

  • Hedvig reimburses: SEK 7 225

2) Example of deductible for remaining veterinary visits during the same insurance year:

Let's say that your second veterinary visit also costs SEK 10 000. Then you only have a variable deductible of 15%.

  • You pay: SEK 1 500 (variable deductible)

  • Hedvig reimburses: SEK 8 500

In some cases, a digital veterinary visit with FirstVet is enough to help your animal. It can be easier than going to a veterinary clinic and you don't have to pay a deductible.

Most of the time, the vet can make a diagnosis for your animal digitally. If your dog or cat needs further examination and treatment, you will be referred to a veterinary clinic.

In both of these cases, the damage cost can be lower than if you had gone to a veterinary clinic directly. Therefore, the SEK 1 000 lower fixed deductible is something that benefits both you and Hedvig.

Together with FirstVet, we offer a health check-up of your dog or cat. The service can be used once per insurance year and is included in all our pet insurances. During a health check-up, the veterinarian reviews the animal's health during a video call. You get advice that can contribute to a healthier life for your dog or cat. You book the health check-up directly in the Hedvig app, at a time that suits you.

Yes, but it is not from Försäkringskassan that you can expect to receive compensation if you need to take care of your sick or injured pet. If you have our Premium insurance, you can receive up to SEK 2 000 in compensation (SEK 500 per day) if you need to take time off from work to, for example, go to the vet with your dog or cat.